HYBRIDS News and Media Coverage: Advancing the Fight against Disinformation and Abusive Language
In this dedicated section, we provide you with the latest news, updates, and developments related to our groundbreaking work in combating disinformation and abusive language using human and artificial intelligence. Stay up-to-date with the progress of our research, the development of new hybrid intelligence systems, and the innovative approaches we are employing to address these critical challenges. Discover how we are pushing the boundaries of technology and leveraging the power of human-AI collaboration to tackle disinformation and abusive language effectively. Stay connected with the HYBRIDS Initiative’s news and be part of the transformative journey in creating a safer and more informed digital environment.
Arkaitz Zubiaga: “We will be exploring how to join forces between automated tools and humans to push the boundaries of online harm”
The challenge of detecting partisanship in the news: interview with José Ramón Pichel
Improving the detection and analysis of disinformation to alleviate threats to democracy: interview with Patricia Martín-Rodilla
One month left to apply for 11 PhD positions on Hybrid Intelligence
Renata Vieira: “By understanding the mechanisms of toxic campaigns we will know better how to use language technologies to prevent them”
The challenge of developing a system to detect hyperpartisan political news: interview with Pablo Gamallo
Media Coverage
In this section, we bring you an array of media coverage that highlights the HYBRIDS Initiative’s work and impact in combatting disinformation and abusive language. Explore a curated collection of articles, interviews, reports, and features from various media outlets, shedding light on our pioneering approach and the development of new hybrid intelligence systems. Discover how our collaborative efforts are shaping the narrative around disinformation and abusive language, and how we are making strides in safeguarding online spaces. Delve into the discussions, analyses, and insights from experts and thought leaders as we work together to create a healthier, more trustworthy digital ecosystem.
TV & Video Reports
Television appearances, news segments, and video features covering HYBRIDS
Radio Features & Podcasts
Discussions, interviews, and reports about HYBRIDS on radio stations and podcasts.
- Radio Cope (Spanish radio): La IA nos salvará de las fake news. May 2023
- Diana FM (Portuguese radio): Universidade de Évora integra projeto para combater ameaça da desinformação. February 2023.
- Cronos Mdq (Spanish radio): Cómo combatir la desinformación con la inteligencia artificial híbrida. (starting at min 36) May 2023.
Press & Online Articles
News coverage, interviews, and articles about HYBRIDS in newspapers, magazines, and digital media.
- Newtral (Spanish Digital Media): HYBRIDS e IBERIFIER se unen en un evento para abordar las respuestas de la IA al reto de la desinformación, October 2024
- Newtral (Spanish Digital Media): HYBRIDS celebra un encuentro con supervisores y aspirantes doctorales para tejer la red y comenzar a desarrollar sus proyectos. September 2023.
- Agencia SINC (Spanish newspaper): Cómo combatir la desinformación con la inteligencia artificial híbrida. May 2023.
- EcoAvant (Spanish newspaper): Cómo combatir la desinformación con la inteligencia artificial híbrida. May 2023.
- InfoLibre (Spanish newspaper): La inteligencia artificial impulsa la desinformación, pero también podría acabar con las 'fake news'. May 2023.
- Consumer (Spanish newspaper): ‘Deepfakes’: qué son y cómo poder detectarlos para evitar las noticias falsas. May 2023.
- Noticias Info (Spanish newspaper): HYBRIDS, cómo usar la inteligencia artificial híbrida para el combate de la desinformación. May 2023.
- La Edición (Spanish newspaper): ‘Deepfakes’: qué son y cómo poder detectarlos para evitar las noticias falsas. May 2023.
- Newtral (Spanish Digital Media): Newtral announces open PhD position in the HYBRIDS project to research disinformation with AI. March 2023.
- Newtral (Spanish Digital Media): Newtral anuncia una plaza de doctorado en el proyecto HYBRIDS para investigar la desinformación con IA. March 2023.
- Radio Voz Planicie (Portuguese newspaper): Universidade de Évora integra projeto internacional de combate à desinformação. February 2023.
- ElDiario (Spanish newspaper): Proyecto HYBRIDS: Inteligencia Artificial desde la Universidad de Santiago contra las “fake news” y los discursos de odio. February 2023
- El Correo Gallego (Spanish newspaper): Unha rede de investigación para “desinfectar” Internet. February 2023.
- Diário Campanário (Portuguese newspaper): Universidade de Évora integra projeto de combate à ameaça da desinformação! January 2023.
- Science X (British newspaper): AI and human knowledge seal a strategic alliance against disinformation along a new European research project. January 2023.
- Electronics World (British newspaper): The EU sets up a project to fight fake news with AI. January 2023.
- Alentejo Hoje (Portuguese newspaper): Universidade de Évora em projeto para desenvolver novas ferramentas automáticas para combater ameaça da desinformação. January 2023.
- Mais Ribatejo (Portuguese newspaper): UÉ em projeto para desenvolver novas ferramentas automáticas para combater a ameaça da desinformação. January 2023.
- Gente Digital (Spanish newspaper): Un proyecto liderado por la USC desarrolla un sistema de Inteligencia Artificial para identificar noticias falsas. January 2023.
- GCiencia (Spanish newspaper): Intelixencia artificial e coñecemento humano alíanse contra a desinformación. January 2023
- Galicia Digital (Spanish newspaper): IA e coñecemento humano selan unha alianza estratéxica contra a desinformación no proxecto HYBRIDS. January 2023.
- La Vanguardia (Spanish newspaper): Un proyecto liderado por la USC desarrolla un sistema de Inteligencia Artificial para identificar noticias falsas. January 2023.
- Galicia Confidencial (Spanish newspaper): A USC lidera un proxecto que desenvolve un sistema de Intelixencia Artificial para identificar noticias falsas. January 2023.
- Galicia Press (Spanish newspaper): Un proyecto liderado por la USC desarrolla un sistema de Inteligencia Artificial para identificar noticias falsas. January 2023.
- Europa Press (Spanish newspaper): Un proyecto liderado por la USC desarrolla un sistema de Inteligencia Artificial para identificar noticias falsas. January 2023.
- Newtral (Spanish newspaper): Newtral participa en el proyecto europeo ‘HYBRIDS’ para frenar la desinformación con inteligencia híbrida. January 2023.
- Código Cero (Spanish newspaper): O CiTIUS lidera un consorcio europeo de persoas e máquinas contra a desinformación. January 2023.
- La Voz de Galicia (Spanish newspaper): La inteligencia artificial, ¿la solución o el problema de la desinformación? January 2023.
- Nós Diario (Spanish newspaper): Intelixencia artificial contra a desinformación. Así é HYBRIDS, o novo proxecto da USC. January 2023.
- El Correo Gallego (Spanish newspaper): La inteligencia humana y la artificial se unen para luchar contra la desinformación. January 2023.
- HispaRob (Spanish platform): IA y conocimiento humano sellan una alianza estratégica contra la desinformación en el nuevo proyecto de investigación financiado por la Unión Europea (UE) y el UK Research an Innovation (UKRI). January 2023.
- Nós Diario (Spanish newspaper): Universidades galegas lideran dous proxectos contra a desinformación. January 2023.

Get in touch with us
If you’re interested in learning more about the HYBRIDS Initiative or would like to get involved, we invite you to get in touch with us. Whether you have questions, suggestions, or would like to explore potential collaborations, our team is eager to hear from you.