DC8 Supervisor and DC10 Co-Supervisor

Claudia Wagner

DC8 Supervisor and DC10 Co-Supervisor, GESIS

My research focuses on the development and quality of methods for collecting, analyzing and modeling digital behavioral data that are used to study digital societies and to build models of human behavior and attitudes.

I am a full professor (W3) for Applied Computational Social Sciences at RWTH Aachen, the Scientific Director of the department Computational Social Science at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences and an external faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna.

My research focuses on understanding how societies are impacted by online platforms and Artificial Intelligence. I am also passionate about methodological challenges that arise when using digital behavioral data to study individual behavior, attitudes and group dynamics.

In the past I was organizing interdisciplinary training events for early career researchers (e.g. the CSS methods Summer School). I am a Board Member of the International Society for Computational Social Science, an associate editor of EPJ Data Science and a Steering Committee Member of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media .

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