Doctoral Candidate at UDC

Paloma Piot Perez Abadin

DC 10 at UDC

Paloma’s code breaks the chains of online hate, setting a new standard for digital discourse.
Paloma has a computer science background with experience in natural language processing models applied in social media addressing sensitive topics like detecting depression symptoms. She has industry experience working in different companies from different countries, advocates for women’s visibility in STEM, and likes participating in conferences and tech activities. She also enjoys listening to music and concert photography.

DC10 Individual Project

Detecting harassment on social media beyond isolated messages

Research Objectives:

Identifying Threatening Online Messages

Detection of online messages in which people are threatened.

Contextual Analysis for Comprehensive Message Understanding

To develop an approach which goes beyond single messages (e.g. tweets) by including both previous messages by the same user and the conversational/interactional context in which a message is produced; the broader context that is provided should allow for resolving many of the interpretation problems that arise when messages are considered in isolation.

Multilingual Approach for Comprehensive Analysis

Multiple languages will be targeted so as to demonstrate the viability of the approach.

Expected Results:

Comprehensive Twitter Threat Detection Tool

Development of a tool to detect threats to people in Twitter by considering large contextual scenarios.

Training Material Development with Weak Supervision

Building training material by making use of weak supervision methods.

Validation of Methodology and Tools in Immigrant and Women Use Cases

Methodology and tool validation in use cases on immigrants and women.

Meet Our Doctoral Candidate: Video Introduction

Get to know Paloma Piot and explore his research objectives by watching his introductory video below.


In our pursuit of academic excellence, HYBRIDS Doctoral Candidates are guided by a dedicated team of supervisors. Comprising the Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, and Inter-sectoral Supervisor, this team of professionals offers a wealth of knowledge, mentorship, and interdisciplinary insights.

Main Supervisors

Dr. Javier Parapar

Universidad de A Coruña (UDC)

Dr. Patricia Martín Rodilla

Universidad de A Coruña (UDC)


Dr. Nelleke Oostdijk

Radboud University (RU)

Dr. Claudia Wagner

Gesis Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences (GESIS)

Inter-sectoral Supervisors

Dr. José Ramon Piche

Factoría Software e Multimedia (IMAXIN)

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