Doctoral Candidate at FBK

Siddharth Bhargava

DC 3 at FBK

With a demonstrated history of working in Data Science and AI, Siddharth is currently involved in discourse analysis and argumentation studies.

Having received his B.Tech in Computer Science at VIT Vellore India and M.Sc. in Data Science at LMU Munich Germany, Siddharth has worked as a research student during his Master’s program wherein he developed a deep passion for the fields of discourse analysis and argumentation. He actively participates in various tech and Artificial Intelligence events, looking for opportunities to connect and exchange ideas with people from around the world. If not caught solving data challenges, you can find him in the kitchen, fitness training, or travelling. Siddharth, as a MSCA fellow, hopes to become a strong voice for advocating open and fair data science practices, particularly in social sciences. His living philosophy is, “If you have the will, you will find the way.”

DC3 Individual Project

Identifying the stance of argumentative opinions in the political discourse

Research Objectives:

Opinion Alignment Identification

To automatically identify whether a given opinion supports and idea or contradicts it.

Europe Political Argument Detection via Ontological Analysis

To design a method to detect pro and con arguments given a controversial idea related to political issues in Europa, by using ontological information linked to argumentation information.

Social Media Political Stance Detection

To apply the method for the detection of political stances in social media.

Expected Results:

Argument Extraction Tool

Development of a tool to extract arguments (excerpts that holds argumentative opinions).

Stance Classification Model

Development of a classifier to identify the stance of the given arguments/opinions.

European Political Controversies Dataset

A large dataset of pro and con arguments for different controversial political issues in Europe.

Immigration and Euroscepticism Case Studies

Use cases on immigration and Euroscepticism.


In our pursuit of academic excellence, HYBRIDS Doctoral Candidates are guided by a dedicated team of supervisors. Comprising the Main Supervisor, Co-Supervisor, and Inter-sectoral Supervisor, this team of professionals offers a wealth of knowledge, mentorship, and interdisciplinary insights.

Main Supervisor

Dr. Sara Tonelli

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK)


Dr. Patricia Martín

Universidad de A Coruña (UDC)

Inter-sectoral Supervisors

Mr. Guglielmo Celata

Fondazione OPENPOLIS.

Ms. Stephanie Öttl

Industrieanlagen- Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG)

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