DC8 Co-Supervisor
José María Alonso Moral
DC8 Co-Supervisor, CiTIUS-USC
I’m associate professor at USC and affiliated researcher at CiTIUS. My research interest is focused on Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.
I defended my PhD thesis on Telecommunications Engineering at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, Spain) in 2007. Then, I won a post-doc position at the European Centre for Soft Computing, Asturias (Spain), and later a Juan de la Cierva post-doc position at the University of Alcala de Henares (UAH, Spain). Since 2016, I have been working at USC, first as a CiTIUS post-doc researcher, then as a Ramón y Cajal research fellow (2018 – 2022) and now as an Associate Professor. I am currently a member of the Intelligent Systems group (GSI) of the USC, and a researcher affiliated to CiTIUS. I have around 180 peer-reviewed publications. Among them, I am the author of 1 book, 18 book chapters and 36 articles in JCR-ISI ranked Q1 or Q2 (12 in the first decile). Concerning funding, in the last 10 years, I have taken part in 6 international R+D consortia (including 2 interdisciplinary Marie Curie Networks) funded by EU commission, 1 collaborative network funded by EPSRC in UK, 5 national projects (4 as Principal Researcher-PR) funded by the Spanish Government, 4 national thematic networks (1 as PR), 4 regional projects (2 as PR), 1 BBVA project and 2 contracts with companies, all of them within the field of Artificial Intelligence.