DC1, DC5, DC6, DC7 and DC10 Secondment Supervisor
José Ramom Pichel Campos
DC1, DC5, DC6, DC7 and DC10 Secondment Supervisor, IMAXIN
I am one of the founders of the NLP specialized company imaxin|software since 1997. I am currently a postdoc in machine translation at Proxecto Nós (Citius).
I am a computer engineer from the Universidade da Corunha and founder of the company imaxin|software in 1997. Since 2006 I have been responsible for NLP projects, mainly in the field of machine translation and software localisation. Within the company I have participated in more than 15 research projects with companies and Universities, related to NLP. In addition, in 2020 I defended a PhD on the calculation of the automatic distance between languages, which has allowed me to participate in a postdoc in machine translation within the Proxecto Nós of the USC led by Citius. I am very interested in the social impact of technology.