Chair of the Executive Board (EB)
DC1 and DC3 Co-Supervisor

Patricia Martín-Rodilla
Chair of the Executive Board, UDC
My research focuses on the language, software and humanities intersection, and how technology and linguistic information help us solve humanistic and social problems.
I am assistant professor at the information retrieval lab (University of A Coruña). With background in software engineering, a PhD. in cultural heritage domain, a postdoc specialization in linguistics and computing and several stays abroad (Chile, Portugal, France), I focus on the study of the interconnection between humanities, software engineering and language. I have been involved in several european (i.e. FP7 ARIADNE, COST Action SEADDA) and national projects in Digital Humanities, Computational Linguistics, Software Engineering and Information Retrieval. How can we use technology to treat the information contained in our language, so that it helps us solve humanistic and social problems? Is my main research questions, with different directions in computational linguistics, social networks, corpus and heritage studies, etc. I am also especially involved in the training of hybrid profiles at all education levels (undergraduate, master’s, postgraduate, Ph.D.) in Digital Humanities.