Chair of the Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Committee (REOC)/ DC1 Supervisor and DC10 Co-Supervisor

Nelleke Oostdijk
Chair of the Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Committee (REOC), RU
My research is centred around the role of expert linguistic knowledge in approaches to text mining and information retrieval.
I am an associate professor at the Centre for Language Studies and the Centre for Language and Speech Technology at Radboud University, Nijmegen (the Netherlands). I am also the programme coordinator of the master’s programme in Linguistics and Communication Sciences (research).
As a computational linguist/corpus linguist with a keen interest in language use and variation I have been involved in projects directed at extracting information from text, including social media data. More specifically, I have been exploring ways in which linguistic knowledge can be brought into play to improve on purely machine learning approaches.
I have been involved in many (inter)national projects and initiatives directed at the creation of language resources and an interoperable language resources infrastructure. I frequently serve as a member on programme committees for conferences and workshops, and as a reviewer for journals. I have published widely on insights from the field of corpus linguistics.