JRS IV: Working in an interconnected world as a HYBRIDS professional.

The JRS IV course is focused on professional and personal skills for a HYBRIDS complete Doctoral Candidate (DC) profile, specially on transversal and transferable skills training. In an interconnected world with increasingly demanding job demands, not only in terms of knowledge but, above all, in terms of transversal, interdisciplinary, and human skills, this event focuses on providing attendees with a professional, expert, and realistic view of the reality of the skill needs of people in hybrid technology research. This will include professional hybrid paths in industry and the media, data integration and protection in interdisciplinarity projects and new approaches to digital technologies tools and resources in these areas. It is especially suitable for recent Master’s, PhD, or postdoc students, as well as media professionals, who want to explore and discuss different approaches to the future of work profiles in hybrid technologies and disinformation.

📅 April 21, 22, 23, and 25, 2025

📍 Location: CITIC, A Coruña-Spain (Campus de Elviña s/n – 15071) & Online



About AI-CODE: AI services for Continuous trust in Emerging Digital Environments https://aicode-project.eu/
The media sector faces unprecedented innovations, particularly driven by generative Artifi cial Intelligence (AI), impacting citizens, democracy, and society. The AI-CODE project (13 partners from 8 European countries) addresses challenges in next-generation social media by leveraging AI-based tools to support media professionals in producing trustworthy information, combating disinformation, and assessing source credibility. The project aims to analyze the infl uence of generative AI on emerging social media platforms and provide innovative solutions for navigating rapidly evolving digital landscapes.
The objectives
The main goal of the interdisciplinary AI-CODE project is to evolve state-of-the-art research results (tools, technologies, and know-how), from the past and ongoing EU-funded research projects focused on disinformation, to a novel ecosystem of services that will proactively support media professionals in trusted information production through AI. We aim to achieve this by:
1. identifi cation, analysis, and understanding of future developments of next-generation decentralised and immersive social media (incl. emerging diverse and metaverse environments) in the context of rapid development of generative Artifi cial Intelligence (with respect to text, image as well as video modalities) and how such a combination can impact the (dis)information space;
2. by providing media professionals with novel AI-based services to coach them on how to work in emerging digital environments and how to utilise
generative AI effectively and credibly, to detect new forms of content manipulation, as well as to assess the reputation and credibility of sources and their content.

About HYBRIDS: The HYBRIDS project, funded by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (HE MSCA) and co-funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) HE funding guarantee, addresses a broad spectrum of topics related to disinformation, abusive language, and public discourse. These include analyzing social media discourse, tracking the impact of political speech on public opinion, detecting hate speech, identifying toxic bots, and fact-checking claims, among others. Coordinated by CiTIUS at the University of Santiago de Compostela, the HYBRIDS consortium includes partner universities, research centers, non-profi t organizations, and innovation companies from across Europe. You can find more information about HYBRIDS here.

📄 Download the full event programme here

Hourly Schedule

Day 1: Monday, April 21

14:30 - 16:00
PhD writing lab & toolkit
This session will focus on essential skills for academic writing, scientific disclosure and research career development. We will cover best practices for structuring articles and dissertations, ensuring clarity and cohesion, proper citation and referencing, the editing and review process, and effective data visualization for scientific communication. Additionally, strategies to enhance research visibility and impact will be discussed. The Research Career Methodologies segment will provide a critical perspective on academic and research career paths for early-career scientists. Topics will include evaluation methods such as citation and impact metrics, Open Science principles, and building a strong scientific profile through professional networks and digital platforms. This talk aims to provide researchers with the necessary tools to maximize their research impact and navigate academic career trajectories effectively.
Albina Sarymsakova (IEGPS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council)
16:00 - 16:30
PhD writing lab & toolkit: first-person experiences:
Writing a PhD thesis is a rollercoaster. In this talk, we will share our own experience: the early enthusiasm, the inevitable struggles with self-doubt and procrastination, and the small victories that kept us going. Through honest (and sometimes funny) stories, we will talk about what we learned along the way, the mistakes we wish we’d avoided, and what really helped in the end.
Anxo Pérez-Vila (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña), David Otero (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña)

Day 2: Tuesday, April 22

14:30 - 15:30
ON LINE KEYNOTE TALK: Data integration, data interoperability, and data protection in HYBRIDS platforms.
Alexander König (Standards and interoperability organization at CLARIN.EU)

Day 3: Wednesday, April 23

14:30 - 16:30
This round table will explore the career prospects of HYBRIDS PhD profiles across both academic and industry sectors. The session aims to address a common concern among early-stage researchers: What comes after the PhD? Speakers from academia, industry, and knowledge transfer will discuss the real opportunities for interdisciplinary and hybrid-skilled profiles, the social value they can bring, and which PhD-acquired skills are most appreciated across different professional environments. MODERATOR: Javier Parapar. Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department. Information Retrieval Lab, University of A Coruña
Giovanni Da San Martino (University of Padova), Guillermo Infantes (Newtral), Guillermo López Taboada (Torusware), Manuel Noya (Linknovate), Stephanie Öttl (IABG), Susana Ladra (University of A Coruña)

Day 4: Friday, April 25. CLUSTER EVENT AI-CODE & HYBRIDS: Generative Artificial Intelligence & Disinformation Professionals working together

10:00 - 11:00
Stakeholder Engagement in the AI-CODE Project
AI-CODE is a three-year research and innovation initiative advancing state-of-the-art solutions to help media professionals produce trusted information using Generative AI. The project encourages critical thinking and AI literacy among fact-checkers, journalists, and other media professionals through a suite of AI-driven services and helps media professionals to identify misinformation and disinformation in text and image content. This presentation provides an overview of AI-CODE and highlights the central role of stakeholder engagement in shaping its services. User requirements have been refined through in-depth interviews and analysis, while media professionals have actively contributed to co-creation workshops. Additionally, the AI-CODE consortium includes three media organizations that share their unique insights and needs, ensuring the services are developed with direct input from industry professionals.
Randi Cecchine (Radboud University)
11:30 - 13:00
The workshop will be oriented to the presentation of a set of technologies, especially generative AI and innovative multimodal analysis techniques, coming from the AI-CODE project, which address challenges in next-generation social media by leveraging AI-based tools to support media professionals in producing trustworthy information, combating disinformation, and assessing source credibility though. The first part of the workshop will be dedicated to the presentation of the technologies and use towards analysing sources of disinformation, detection of toxic sources/bots, analysis of fake content, trustability and credibility assessment, and the applicability to next-generation social media means and platforms, and their use from end-users in specific contexts.
Federico Álvarez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Gustavo Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
14:30 - 15:30
The second part will be dedicated to a hands-on work by the attendees on the use of the tools and how to leverage on AI towards combating disinformation and other related information related threats.
Federico Álvarez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Gustavo Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Albina Sarymsakova (IEGPS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council)
Albina Sarymsakova (IEGPS-CSIC, Spanish National Research Council)
I am a Computational Linguist with a degree in Hispanic Philology from Kazan Federal University and a PhD in Linguistic Studies (Cum Laude and International Mention) from the Universidade da Coruña. My doctoral thesis, which received the Extraordinary Doctorate Award from UDC, focused on linguistic technologies and the multimodal discourse analysis of native and non-native speakers of Spanish. I co-developed a plugin for phonetic-phonological analysis in Spanish, a proprietary software tool that enables instant comparative analysis of pronunciation between native and non-native speakers. My research interests lie at the intersection of linguistics, technology, and digital humanities. I specialize in the analysis and processing of oral and written discourse, the development of linguistic technologies, and multimodal studies of orality. My work also explores speech synthesis, artificial intelligence for language processing, and their applications in various historical and socio-cultural domains. Within my current affiliation at the Institute of Galician Studies Padre Sarmiento (IEGPS-CSIC), my primary research focuses on emotion mining and annotation of historical corpora using AI-driven tools.
Anxo Pérez-Vila (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña)
Anxo Pérez-Vila (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña)
David Otero (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña)
David Otero (Information Retrieval Laboratory, University of A Coruña)
Alexander König (Standards and interoperability organization at CLARIN.EU)
Giovanni Da San Martino (University of Padova)
Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics.
Guillermo Infantes (Newtral)
Guillermo Infantes (Newtral)
Guillermo is a journalist and is 30 years old. He is part of the fact-checking team at Newtral.es, and his work focuses on detecting and monitoring disinformation on social media, with a special emphasis on coordinated campaigns and foreign interference operations in the field of information (FIMI). He has taught geolocation and OSINT resources in the Master’s in Digital Verification, Fact-checking, and Data Journalism offered by Newtral and CEU-San Pablo University. He has also been a speaker at various forums, such as the Guardia Civil’s Summer Course on Intelligence and Security or the seminar Fighting Disinformation: National Security within the Framework of the EU Strategy at the University of Almería.
Guillermo López Taboada (Torusware)
CEO and Co-founder Torusware
Manuel Noya (Linknovate)
Founder Linknovate
Stephanie Öttl (IABG)
Data Scientist, Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
Susana Ladra (University of A Coruña)
Data Transfer Associate, Vice-Rector's Office for Research.
Randi Cecchine (Radboud University)
Randi Cecchine (Radboud University)
Federico Álvarez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Federico Álvarez (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Gustavo Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Gustavo Hernández (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)


Apr 21 - 25 2025


Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CITIC) at the Univerdidade da Coruña
Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (CITIC) at the Univerdidade da Coruña
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